Development of Zero2 - David Buckley
Following on from Zeaker, the name Zeaker2 was decided upon by the directors of IGR.
I prefered Drawbo or Zeabo
- (Zeabo was influenced by Colonel Pewter's code name of Zeebo, or Zebo?, and Zeaker)
My original ideas
(Como Saturns were for Modular1)
I didn't want an angular robot with sharp corners, but something which would be nice to hold.
I found the shape of the Toyota Space-Cruiser inspirational.
My concept sketches
Jamie Campbell's concept sketches
Collaboration sketches
After discussions, Jamie Campbell made a body and chassis
Frame dimensions
My concept Electronics
My concept scetches
My development sketches
Some other designs eliminating the vac-formed base
My Zero2 electronics
Cable support concept by Richard Greenhill
Now it is ready for drawing up.