home 11 August 2023

-   = no longer exists
    = in active use
A   = Animatronic
C   = Concept
CP  = magazine Construction Project by David Buckley
D   = Development
MMP = Modified Magazine Project, other authors
MP  = Magazine Project, other authors
R   = Retired in full working order
T   = Transfered
X   = abandoned
#k  = kit version
NPM = Newnes Practical Mechanics
PE = Practical Electronics
PR = Practical Robotics
RCM&E = Radio Control Models & Electronics
SP = Sinclair Projects

* = items have a web page here.
+ = items have entries on web pages here.

#	year		name
-	----		----
 1	55	-	Meccano Soldier (Comic)
 2	62	-	Meccano Shuffler
 3	63	-	Meccano arm
*4	Oct76	R	Teal	from a design by Peter Holland
*5	80	X	M^2_1		micromouse
*6	81	D	Quester		micromouse
*7	May82	R	M^2_3
+8	Nov82	R	Black Zeaker
*9	Feb83	CP-PE-R	White Zeaker prototype for Colne Robotics, PE May/June 1983
*10	Jun83	CP-SP-R	Projects-Prowler robot vehicle, SP Aug/Dec 83, started 22 May 83
 11	83	X	Croy-1
 12	83	X	Bubble	(RM kept this)
	83	R	Modular-1 (space model) prototype robot vehicle for IGR Ltd
+13	Nov83	D	Modular-1 prototype robot vehicle for IGR Ltd
*14	Q1-84	D	Zeaker II (Jamie) prototype Zero II
*15	Jul84	R	Zero II, desktop 'turtle' robot for IGR Ltd
*	Jul84	CP-PR-R	Double Vision, stereo vision system, PR July 1984
+16	85	T	Teal II for Joe Bosworth
*17	86	R	Beeber
*18	87	D	First Step, quadruped
*19	88	R	Shadow Biped Walker
*20	88	X	Robot Arm RX-500 prototype for Concorde Robotic
*21	90	MMP-R	Icarus	from a design by A B Orr, NPM July 1962.
*22	90	MMP-R	Fred	12/64	from a design by Peter Holland, RCM&E Dec 64
*23	May90	MMP-R	Hexy	3/65 G Drapper, RCM&E March 1965
*24	91	D	Liberator mobile robot	Transfered to Shadow Group 96, retrieved 2008
*25	Oct91	R	WiLF - 	6/75, White (or Black) Line Follower
 26	Nov91	D,MMP	Xee	6/71, PE June 71
*27	Mar92	MMP-R	Timbug II	(6/80	2/4/92 finished), Elektor, June 1980.
 28	May93	MP-R	OmniVore, by Jonathan Connell, Omni October 1988.
*29	Sep93	R	SimplHex, hexapod robot
+30	Sep93	T	Elizabeth mobile robot	Transfered to Martin Smith 01
*31	May94	R	TinyTim	(13-22 May 94)
*32	Sep94	T	Victoria mobile robot	Transfered to Martin Smith 01
 33	94	D	Amater		micromouse
	95	D	Jack-0
	95	C	Mr-Big
*34	May95	R 	Clarissa May	Groundhog class mobile robot
*35	May95	R 	Snowdrop	Groundhog class mobile robot
 36	May95	X	SeaRoller
 37	Aug96	X	Gargantua
 38	Aug96	X	Ranger - Scout
*39	Nov97	R	The Imperial Drone Red - Nevik, mobile robot
 40	Nov97	T	The Imperial Drone Green - Gotan,  mobile robot	(->Edward)
*41	Apr98	R	Hugo (cardboard Alex)
*42	Oct98	R	BigFoot
*43	Oct98	R	Alex
*       99      -       TecArm v0 prototype
*44	99	R	TecArm-5 
*45	99	R	TecArm-6
+       May00   A       Bob Hope animatronic golfer 
*46	Jul00		TecFoot prototype - TecFoot-1 - Condor
*46k	Aug00		TecFoot kit - TecFoot-2 - Wild Eagle
*47	Feb01	-	TecBug - prototype for Hextor, servos and uCs used for Hextor
*47k	Aug01	R	Hextor
*48	Jan02	A	Celt
*49	May02	T	TecRover, prototype mobile robot base for Milford Instruments (Milford had this)
*50	May02		Cycler - Shakespeare - drawn 29May, cut steel for base 11Jul
*51	Jun02	X	Junior - drawn 13Jun, cut parts 14Jun, assembled 18Jun
*52	Jul02	D	Tom - Junior class
*53	Jul02	D	POP (Sam) - Ambler2 class - 6Jul cut parts, 
			7Jul walked with Toddler board, 8Jul modified feet, 18Aug new Stamp-2 brain
*54	Aug02	D	MOM (Efi)(Effi) - Ambler2 class 
			12Aug walked with Toddler board, 18Aug new Stamp-2 brain
*55	Nov02	D	Joe (Joel) - Ambler2 class
*56	Dec02	D	Loki - Mech-Ai S4 class
*57	Dec02	D	Freya - Mech-Ai S4 class
+58	Jan03		Cycler - Byron
+59	Jan03		Cycler - Shelley
*60	Jan03	D	Thor - Mech-Ai S4 class
 61	Jan03	D	Frey - Mech-Ai S4 class
 62	Jan03	C	Odin - Mech-Ai S4 class - drawing lost
*63	May03	A	Crofter
*64	Aug03	A	Policeman
 65	Oct03	D	Frigga - Mech-Ai S4 class
*66	Nov03	D	Kas (Kasper) - Ambler3 class
*       Mar04   R       [Roger made MiniFrea based on Freya]
+67	Mar04	A	Sergeant writing - REME
+68	Mar04	A	Prisoner - REME
 69	May04	A	Silicone skin talking and writing Butler, Spirit of Salzburg, Salzburg
 70	May04	A	Silicone skin talking and gesturing Dr Mirakel, Spirit of Salzburg, Salzburg
*71	Jul04	A	Sir William Stanier - The Princess Royal Class Locomotive Trust
*72	05 		Robotic human sized leg for research into powered prosthetics -
 			  Shadow Robot Co. for North Carolina A & T University
*73	Jan06 	A	Animatronic head with Gaze-Eyes for a Swedish museum
 74	07	A	Animatronic head of Colonel Stephens, locomotive designer, Kent & East Sussex Railway Museum
+75     08      A       Animatronic Dinosaurs with moving eyes, for a Newcastle upon Tyne museum
+76     08      A       Animatronic Dinosaurs with moving eyes, for a Newcastle upon Tyne museum
+77     09      A       Animatronic Dinosaur with moving head, for a Newcastle upon Tyne museum
*78     14Apr09         Strider1 - 3 ft high Ambler type biped
+79     May09   A       Scribbler - Animatronic figure, moving head and writing hand, The Princess Royal Class Locomotive Trust 
 80     Dec09   D       Jid - Ambler2 class
 81     Dec09   D       Iva - Ambler2 class
*82     Dec09   D       Jet - Ambler2 class
*83	Aug11	        Bambino PicAxe
*84	Aug11	A	Animatronic Nutcracker doll
*85	Oct11		Bambino PicAxe Beta (6)
*86     12              Duplhex hexapod
*87	12	R	TecArm-6v2
*88     Jan13           Bambino Arduino Duemilanove
*89.2i  Mar13           Jet Laser - Ambler2 class - Laser cut batch
*89.2j  Mar13           Jet Laser - Ambler2 class - Laser cut batch
*89.2k  Mar13           Jet Laser - Ambler2 class - Laser cut batch
*90     Jan14           Bambino Arduino ProMini
*91     Feb14           Bambino Arduino Mega328p (3)
*92     Sep14           Baldur - Mech-Ai S4 class
*93     Oct14           Imp - Mech-Ai S4 class  
 94     May16   D       Nova-Cybot-I,II,III
*95     Aug16   D       Shadow Leg Mk2
 96     May19   D       Magni - Mech-Ai S4 class
*97     Sep19	        Ullr - Mech-Ai S4 class
 98     Mar22           Bambino PicAxe20x2 (2)
*99     Sep22   D       Ajax biped - based on Sainsmart Humanoid kit
*100    Apr23   D       Libby - rebuild of Liberator #24 

 Control systems for Jim Whiting's shows, Cologne, Berlin, Warwick, London, Glasgow, (see below - Leipzig, London)
+Mar90  Control system for Lion and Unicorn sculpture
 1990 Seed Birds - radio controlled animatronic birds, 'Into the Woods', the Phoenix Theatre, Charing Cross Rd London.
*May91  Camel-1	mechanical for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, London Palladium
+Jan92  EuroDisney-Paris Pop-Up-Book
*Nov92  Camel-2	electric for American touring production of 'Joseph'
*Oct93  Camel-3	electric for British  touring production of 'Joseph'
*Feb94  Camel-4	new base for #3 for British  touring production of 'Joseph'
 Nutcracker Doll - The Birmingham Royal Ballet's production of the Nutcracker
+Apr92  A Flying Magpie - The Thieving Magpie - Leeds Opera North
*1995-  Gaze-Control Heads
+Dec96  7 heads with moving eyes - Berlin museum
+Jan97  Dead Lady on Coffin for Grusil(?) Cabinet Berlin (Grisly Show)
+Oct97  2 Breathing sailors - for SS Great Britain
*Hugo - animatronic head
+May07  Barrel Man - Dungeons of Windsor
*Aug97  Barrel Man - London Pageant Dark-Ride
*Apr98	Cardboard Hugo -> Alex #43, - workshop on animatronics to The Royal National Theatre, London
+1999   3 Hugo type animatronic heads - Bodmin, Court Museum
+1999   3 Gaze-Control Heads - Bodmin, Court Museum
+May99  Dickens - Silicone skin Hugo type animatronic head - demonstration
 Bodmin type Animatronic head - Horse World museum
 2 Alfred type animatronic heads + animated apothecary - National Pharmacy Museum, Portugal
 2 Alfred type animatronic heads - Paris touring information show about diabetes 
*Feb01  Alfred - animatronic head - demonstration
+Mar00  3 Ladies with moving heads- German Buses - A touring information show for schools
+Mar00  3 Men with moving head and arm - German Buses - A touring information show for schools
+May00  Golfer - Bob Hope playing golf - holes 15 foot putts with ease - demonstration
+Sep00  Breathing Statue with moving eyes - Vienna, Austria
+May00  Flag Man - Hugo - to go with the Golfer, raised flag from out of the putting hole
+Mar00  Snake Head - Speckled Band - Sherlock Holmes Museum, Baker St, London
+Mar01  Cyclist - a Cycle-shop, Ireland
*Apr01  Animatronic Bishop, Alfred type head - Hugo refurbished - Wales
*Jan02	Animatronic talking Celt - 'Setantii Tales of Thameside' museum Ashton-under-Lyne, #47
*May02 - Jan03	3 Cycler Presentation Robots for Waste Watch, #50, #58, #59
 2 Animatronic Larvae with flickering lights inside - Anthony Bennet
+Mar03  Animatronic Grasshopper caught in a web - Anthony Bennet
*May03	Animatronic Crofter - the Hootananny Celtic Heritage Centre, Inverness, #63 
*Aug03	Policeman - Police Federation, #64
*Mar04	Sergeant writing - REME, #67
*Mar04	Prisoner - REME, #68
*May04	Silicone skin talking and writing Butler, Spirit of Salzburg, Salzburg, #69
*May04	Silicone skin talking and gesturing Dr Mirakel, Spirit of Salzburg, Salzburg, #70
*Jul04	Sir William Stanier - The Princess Royal Class Locomotive Trust, Ashbourne, Derbyshire #71
+Aug04	Inhaler Girl
+Sep05  2 Breathing Torsos for SS Great Britain
*   06 	Animatronic head with Gaze-Eyes for a Swedish museum
    07	Gaze-Control Animatronic head of Colonel Stephens, locomotive designer, 
	      Kent & East Sussex Railway Museum, Tenterden, Kent
+   08  Animatronic head with silicone skin, with mouth and eyebrow movements, Nottingham Trent University
+   08  Two animatronic Dinosaurs with moving eyes, for a Newcastle upon Tyne museum
+   09  Animatronic Dinosaur with moving head, for a Newcastle upon Tyne museum
*May09  Scribbler - Animatronic figure, moving head and writing hand, 
          The Princess Royal Class Locomotive Trust, Ashbourne, Derbyshire  
+Sep09  Control systems for Jim Whiting's Deus ex Machina show, Westfluegel Theatre Leipzig
+Oct09  Control systems for Jim Whiting's show, Battersea Arts Centre London
+2010   flickering electronic Oil-Lamp head for a Yinka Shonibare figure
*May11  Mckibben animatronic legs 
*Oct11	Special Effect Table, Svein Flygari Johansen - Norwegian artist
+Dec11  Breathing Torso  for Jersey Tunnels Museum
*Jul13  Special Effect flying Shoes with bird wings for a Berlin show

Items for countries and places outside Gt Britain
Austria   - +Sep00 Breathing Statue with moving eyes - Vienna, Austria
          - +Mar03 Larvae and Prey - Inatura, Museum of Natural History, Dornbirn.
          - *Jan04 Silicone skin talking and writing Butler, Spirit of Salzburg, Salzburg
          - *Jan04 Silicone skin talking and gesturing Dr Mirakel, Spirit of Salzburg, Salzburg
Canada    - * Gaze Controls for animated heads on figures in museums
Belgium   - * Gaze Controls for animated heads on figures in museums
France    - 2 Alfred type animatronic heads - Paris touring information show about diabetes 
          - +Jan92 EuroDisney-Paris Pop-Up-Book
Germany   - +Jan87 Dead Lady on Coffin for Grusil(?) Cabinet Berlin (Grisly Show)
          - +Mar00 7 heads with moving eyes - Berlin museum
          - +Mar00 3 Ladies with moving heads - German Buses - A touring information show for schools
          - +Mar00 3 Men with moving head and arm - German Buses - A touring information show for schools
          - *May11 Mckibben animatronic legs
          - *Jul13 Special Effect flying Shoes with bird wings for a Berlin show
Ireland   - +Mar01 Cyclist - a Cycle-shop, Ireland
Portugal  - * 2 Alfred type animatronic heads + animated apothecary, National Pharmacy Museum, Portugal
Singapore - * Gaze Control Head - Lord Mountbatten, animated wax head in a museum
Sweden    - *Jan06 Animatronic head with Gaze-Eyes for a Swedish museum
USA       - * Gaze Controls for animated heads on figures in museums
          - *Nov92 Camel-2	electric, for American touring production of 'Joseph'
          - *05 Robotic human sized leg for research into powered prosthetics -
                Shadow Robot Co. for North Carolina A & T University

Other Machines/Effects
+1989   Suit Winch controller for Jim Whiting
 Feb91  Sparking lamppost for Mr Bean stage show
 Jan91  special effect magic-bottles and cake for a Rohl Dahl play
 Feb91  Petshop Boys' world tour 1991 stage props - clock lighting
 Feb91  Petshop Boys' world tour 1991 stage props - torture box lighting
 Feb91  Petshop Boys' world tour 1991 stage props - water tank lighting
 Feb91  Flickering Fire stage prop. - Globe Theatre, London
+1991   Puppeting/Recording keyboard for Jim Whiting
*Spring91 Flight Simulator working concept model
*Dec94  Target and Pig pantomime prop
*Oct91  Animated Flower, Channel 4 opera - Camera, filmed 29Nov91
*Jan92  Railway Engine for Pygmalion stage show
+Feb92  Pulser Circuits for Jim Whiting
*Feb92  Railway train for Oklahoma at the Royal National Theatre, London
+Jun92  Flash Boxes for Greenhill Photographers
*Aug98  Postman Pat Van - Postman Pat touring show
*Oct98  New Invention - repair - Beauty and the Beast - Canadian
*Oct98  New Invention - rebuild - Beauty and the Beast - British, Dominion Theatre, London
*2002   Cycler presentation robots for Waste Watch
*2005   Robotic human sized leg for research into powered prosthetics -
          Shadow Robot Co. for North Carolina A & T University
+2008   Shadow Electric Dextrous Hand - Shadow C6M Smart Motor Hand
          development work on Electrics and Electronics and Mechanical design of forearm
+2010   flickering electronic Oil-Lamp head for a Yinka Shonibare figure
*Oct11  Special Effect Table, Svein Flygari Johansen - Norwegian artist 
*Jul13  Special Effect flying Shoes with bird wings for a Berlin show

Walker designs
 1	1	55		Meccano Soldier (Comic)
 2	2	62		Meccano Shuffler
*3	4	Oct76		Teal
+4	16	85		Teal II for Joe Bosworth
*5	18	87	D	First Step
*6	19	88	A	Shadow Walker
*7	29	Sep93		SimplHex
 8		95	A	Jack-0
 9		98		pneumatic parallelogram legs walker
*10	42	Oct98		BigFoot
*11	45	Jul00		TecFoot
*12	46	Feb01		Hextor
*13	51	Jun02	D	Junior
*14	52	Jul02	D	Tom - Junior class
*15	53	Jul02	D	Pop (Sam) - Ambler2 class
+16	54	Aug02	D	Mom (Efi) - Ambler2 class
+17	55	Nov02	D	Joe - Ambler2 class
*18	56	Dec02	D	Loki - Mech-Ai S4 class
*19	57	Dec02	D	Freya - Mech-Ai S4 class
*20	60	Jan03	D	Thor - Mech-Ai S4 class
 21	61	Jan03	D	Frey - Mech-Ai S4 class
 22	62	Jan03	D	Odin - Mech-Ai S4 class
 23	65	Oct03	C	Frigga - Mech-Ai S4 class	
*24	66	Nov03	D	Kas (Kasper) - Ambler3 class
*25             Mar04   D       Frea - originaly made by Roger Starnes based on Freya design,
                                       hadware and software enhanced
*26     78      Apr09           Strider1 - 3 ft high Ambler type biped
 27     80      Dec09   D       Jid - Ambler2 class
 28     81      Dec09   D       Iva - Ambler2 class
*29     82      Dec09   D       Jet - Ambler2 class (production Jid)
*30     83      Aug11           Bambino PicAxe
*       84      Aug11           6 Bambino PicAxe beta
*31     87      Jan13           Bambino Arduino Duemilanove
*32     88      Jan13           Bambino Arduino ProMini
*33     89      Feb14           Bambino Arduino Mega328p
*34     90      Sep14   D       Baldur - Mech-Ai S4 class
*35     91      Oct14   D       Imp - Mech-Ai S4 class  
*36     97      Sep19   D       Ullr - Mech-Ai S4 class

*1	42	Oct98		BigFoot
*2	46	Jul00		TecFoot
*3	47	Feb01		Hextor
*5	52	Jul02	D	Tom - Junior class
+6	55	Nov02	D	Joe - Ambler2 class
*7	56	Dec02	D	Loki - Mech-Ai S4 class
*8	57	Dec02	D	Freya - Mech-Ai S4 class
*9	60	Jan03	D	Thor - Mech-Ai S4 class
 10	61	Jan03	D	Frey - Mech-Ai S4 class
 11	62	Jan03	D	Odin - Mech-Ai S4 class
 12	65	Oct03	D	Frigga - Mech-Ai S4 class	
*13	66	Nov03	D	Kas (Kasper) - Ambler3 class
*14	82	Dec09	D	Jet - Ambler2 class (production Jid)